The signifiers of fall come in many shapes and forms; The changing of leaves, a chilly bite in the air, the sudden urge to make every space feel “cozy,” and of course the appearance of the humble yet noble pumpkin. The fall season is so synonymous with pumpkin, you can’t visit a supermarket, store, or restaurant between September through November without purchasing at least one pumpkin based product. It’s hard not to love the pumpkin. It’s carve-able, cookable, and–in the case of a certain glass footwear clad princess–rideable, but why do we have such a pumpkin obsession?
Have you ever really thought about the word “pumpkin” and what a strange word it actually is? I mean who thought of putting the words PUMP and KIN together? It has such strong “P” popping, the lip aerobics alone could count as a post-holiday meal workout. Did you know the first origin of the word actually comes from the Greek word “pepon” which means “large melon”? Pretty apt a name. “Pepon” turned into the French “pompon.” Pompon turned into “pompion,” which American colonists then turned that into….well if you’ve ever played the game telephone, you know the final product is never quite the same. Eventually, it became the name we know and love today “pumpkin” (“pun-kin” if you’re Northeastern). That’s quite the word-journey for such a simple fruit.
If you are a believer in prophetic dream interpretation, then you will be interested to know that dreaming of a pumpkin is a symbol of prosperity and well-being. So if you dream of a pumpkin patch, it must mean your about to win the lotto!
Even the color is fascinating. In the world of design, the color can prove quite a challenge for any printed material. It is actually impossible to create true orange through the normal color printing process (CMYK). It has to be produced in spot ink at the printers to achieve its bright hue, and even then it is never the exact color you see when designing it on the computer. It is indeed a color that only nature can get right.
Breaking down and finding some of the “CORE” findings of the pumpkin is part of the connective free thought that continually circulates in our team of creative brain power— every day you allow us to dream of unique ways to present and make associations with your words, names, and brands to create memorable and connective storytelling campaigns through partnerships.
So, it’s with sincere gratitude we thank our amazing clients for the 16 years of prosperity and true partnership. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your team, and most of all to help us to grow and expand through your generous referrals. We wish each an every one of you a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with gratitude and the harvest of long-lasting partnerships.

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